Alumina Ceramic Bend Pipe

Breif Introduction

Alumina ceramic bend pipes are excellent wear-resistant protective tubes used in all industries where wear resistance is required.

alumina ceramic bend pipe

The high-alumina ceramics are correctly installed on the inner surface of the pipeline through welding, pasting or interlocking systems.The pipe has excellent properties of wear resistance, corrosion resistance and heat resistance. It is widely used in coal, power, metallurgy, mining, chemical industry and other industries for material transportation. It is an ideal wear-resistant pipe.

Regular size:

alumina ceramic bend pipe

Main advantage:

(1) Alumina ceramic bend pipe with High hardness: Mohs hardness is 9, second only to diamond, but far exceeds wear-resistant steel and stainless steel.

(2) Good wear resistance: The wear resistance of alumina ceramics is 260 times that of manganese steel and 170 times that of high chromium iron. According to the follow-up survey of customers, under the same working conditions, the service life of the Alumina Ceramic Bend Pipe can be extended by more than 10 times.

(3) Corrosion resistance: As an inorganic oxide, high-alumina ceramics have extremely stable molecular structure, no electrochemical corrosion, and can resist the corrosion of various solutions such as acids, alkalis, salts and organic solvents.

(4) High self-lubricity: High-alumina ceramics have excellent self-lubricity and non-viscosity. Its roughness is only 1/6 of the steel pipe, resulting in less flow resistance. Compared with steel pipes, its inner diameter can be reduced by 15.4%.

(5) Light weight: Alumina Ceramic Bend Pipe’s density of 3.6g / cm³ is only 50% of steel, which greatly reduces the total weight of the pipeline

(6) Convenient connection: In principle, flange connection is used, but quick connection can also be used according to customer requirements.

Alumina ceramic bend pipe


Alumina Ceramic Bend Pipe


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