XR GROUP’s cyclone ceramic is designed to be extremely resistant to abrasion even in high material flows and speeds, preventing material build-up. It has proven to be valuable especially in wearing mining and aggregates applications. As a material, ceramic has beneficial anti-corrosion properties that prolong wear life and improve impact resistance. tions for cyclone ceramic are: Chute lining,cyclone ceramic, Conveyor lining, Cyclone cluster lining ,Hopper lining, Pipe lining,Pulley lining, Spout lining ,Transfer point lining,Any other application subject to wear

Optimized design
XR GROUP can tailor the specific ceramic tile size, shape, and layout of ceramic lining to meet the specific wear needs for your plant equipment. We can utilize the exact process data from your operations to design and manufacture a lining olution that meetsyour production targets.
Long service-life – lower total costs
In many applications the optimal lining properties are a result of combining the best properties of other materials and ceramics.
Combining different materials ensures an extra-long lifecycle in comparison with other wear protections. The extraordinarily hard ceramic elements provide unique resistance to sliding wear, while the elastic properties of other materials like rubber effectively absorb shock impacts. We can design and manufacture wear lining using ceramics, rubber, metal, polyurethane, and combinations of these materials.
Cyclone ceramic Superior quality
The ceramic linings are produced in our own facilities applying strict quality assurance programs at every phase of research,development, design and production. This results in high, uniform quality for the entire supply. Precise dimensions and close tolerances ensure that your ceramic lining answer the required needs.
Common applications for ceramic lining are: cyclone ceramic, Conveyor lining, Cyclone cluster lining ,Hopper lining, Pipe lining.
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